Company Portal

At LUX MED Group, we make sure that you can take care of your employees' health quickly and conveniently – in addition to the business and administrative caregivers who look after you, we provide access to an online tool: Company Portal. Access to this solution will provide assistance in the efficient management of medical care at LUX MED.

Company Portal

At LUX MED, you can use an online tool that allows you to manage your medical care anywhere, anytime. Through the Company Portal, you will be able to take comprehensive care of the health of your employees and the efficient circulation of medical records within your company.

Occupational Medicine online

Using our functionality, you can quickly and conveniently manage Occupational Medicine in your company. How does it work? Once the referral for a specific examination has been entered, the Candidate/Employee receives an SMS to contact LUX MED. The Candidate/Employee then works out the details with LUX MED, undergoes an examination and receives a medical certificate.

Benefits for the Employer: entire process in one place, optimisation of time spent on paperwork, monitoring of the process (reminders), process automation, no paper referrals, remote process – entire procedure online, time savings.

Self-reporting: managing a medical package online

For more information, please contact your Administrative Assistant or write to