How can we help you?

Emergency or planned surgery? Whatever your reason for being in hospital, we provide you with comprehensive care in state-of-the-art facilities, where we will coordinate all stages of your treatment. All this so that you can focus on quick recovery. Choose an insurance option that is convenient for you – individual, partner or family, and we will take care of you when you need it.

LUX MED Group hospitals

Hospitals available under insurance

You will benefit from the insurance at the LUX MED Group's network of own and partner hospitals throughout Poland.

Available specializations



General surgery

Vascular surgery

Paediatric surgery


Paediatric gynaecology




Spinal neurosurgery


Invasive cardiology (planned)

Obstetrics and neonatology

Medical care prior to hospitalisation


Paediatric rehabilitation

Emergency care


We will take care of the coordination of your treatment

Our hospital coordinator will arrange the treatment process and hospital stay for you. They will present you with a treatment proposal, 


We provide preventive health checks

As part of the LUX MED Hospital Insurance - Full Care during a single hospital stay, we will carry out a tailored service for you, a comprehensive set of preventive tests. This will make you feel confident about your health.

How it works: LUX MED Hospital Insurance – Full Care


Michał – 32 years old

“Biking is my passion but sometimes practicing this sport leads to trauma. In my case it was the rupture of a ligament in my knee. Thanks to the LUX MED Hospital Insurance – Full Care, I could immediately benefit from urgent orthopaedic assistance and necessary coordination of the entire treatment process.” 


Ania – 42 years old

“I am a manager in a large company. I love my work, but sometimes it is not easy – stress, overtime, working till late at night. I'm afraid this may affect my health. Therefore, after the purchase of the LUX MED Hospital Insurance – Full Care I have benefited from the Hospital Health Check. It turns out that I am healthy and I have nothing to worry about.”


Maria and Andrzej – 30 years old, Wojtek's parents

“Our son got a referral for tonsil removal. This is our first child, so we are very nervous. We want him to feel as little inconvenience associated with the procedure as possible. We are glad that having the LUX MED Hospital Insurance – Full Care we do not have to worry about choosing a hospital and a doctor, and about all the formalities.”


Agnieszka – 35 years old

“I was always fine. Well, maybe I suffered from a mild runny nose and headache. But my ultrasound was not normal six months ago. The results required further diagnostics performed in a hospital setting. Fortunately, I had LUX MED Hospital Insurance – Full Care. I was able to choose a hospital, doctor and received the entire treatment plan.”


Use the care with simple rules

See how full care works – how to report an event and use the insurance.

How to purchase insurance

How to report an incident


By telephone

22 434 00 24

Frequently Asked Questions