A team of epidemiologists associated with the LUX MED Group, supported by skills and experience of the whole Medical Division staff, has developed a special disease prevention offer for employers. Our experts are happy to help you to organise the workplace properly in order to promote safety in various areas: office, manufacturing, retail, and transport.
The coronavirus will remain part of our everyday lives for some time to come. Businesses must function under new conditions with appropriate safety measures. Creating the right conditions for employees returning to work and ensuring safety at a production plant or in customer service are just some of the problems that currently affect employers.
Expert assistance is available in two forms:
Option 1: Manual and webinar with an expert After receiving the manual, the client submits questions which are then discussed by an expert in a 1.5-hour online seminar (delivered via Cisco Webex).
Option 2: Manual and instruction video The client receives an originally developed manual and an instruction video in which an expert explains how to make the workplace safe.