Harmonia in Business

Given the increasing pace of life and the number of challenges that we have to face both in our private and professional lives, we have decided to provide you and your Employees with psychological support under the Harmonia in Business prevention programme.

Take advantage of the offer


With a view to taking care of your Employees’ health, we have prepared a psychological support offer based on our experience in providing comprehensive care. The offer is complementary to the services that we already provide. It is tailored to the individual needs of the Customer.

Scope of the offer:

Analysis: Prevention survey, which can be completed online by every Employee included in the programme. Report for the company prepared on the basis of general survey results with statistical data on the issues found in the company.

Educational background: Seminars/webinars, i.e. speeches organised at the client's premises or remotely. Expert standby at the client's premises following the seminar and lasting 5 hours.

Psychological care: Mental health services, i.e. meetings with a psychotherapist and telephone psychological support – on-going support for Employees and assistance in identifying a course of treatment.

Take advantage of the offer