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Without assuming in advance that we will actually need this, it is worth to get protected against serious illnesses. Then, with sufficient financial support, we may focus our strength in those particular situations on battling the illness. The Serious Illness Insurance is offered in the form of an additional agreement to the LUX MED Insurance – Outpatient Insurance.

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Our LUX MED Group Health Insurance for Companies (Serious Illness Insurance) is addressed to companies employing at least 10 employees. The employer concluding the insurance agreement for its employees, with the possibility of extending care for family members residing in the same household (spouse/partner under the age of 70 and children under the age of 26), is the Insuring Party.

The Main Insured Person may be a natural person employed by the Insuring Party who on the date of taking out insurance is at least 18 years old and no more than 64 years old.

The scope of insurance includes two options to choose from, including 8 or 17 illnesses and conditions. The list of illnesses included in the insurance cover has been thought out in terms of the real threat posed by such illnesses for each and any of us. It is also important that these are illnesses directly threatening our life or having significant impact on health and quality of life.

  • Option 1 — insurance cover which includes such conditions as: malignant neoplasm (cancer), acute heart attack (MI), stroke, major organ transplant, benign brain tumour, loss of limbs, heart valve surgery, coma.
  • Option 2 — insurance cover which includes such conditions as: malignant neoplasm (cancer), acute heart attack (MI), stroke, major organ transplant, benign brain tumour, loss of limbs, heart valve surgery, coma, multiple sclerosis, surgical treatment of coronary artery disease (by-pass), third degree burns, blindness, loss of hearing, renal failure, aortic surgery, paralysis, loss of speech.

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