
Depending on the option, the LUX MED Panaceus Health Insurance enables the purchase of medicines for a small fixed price. These medicines are not only for everyday conditions (LUX MED Panaceus Prima option), but also for chronic diseases (LUX MED Panaceus Optima option). In the most advanced option (LUX MED Panaceus Maxima), the insurance covers also medicines used in treatments of serious illnesses. The LUX MED Panaceus Health Insurance is a perfect solution for employers who want to provide their employees with an attractive benefits package and at the same time ensure their quick recovery and better comfort of life.

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The scope of the LUX MED Panaceus Health Insurance was developed by the best medical specialists from the LUX MED Group. Based on their medical knowledge and many years of experience, they prepared an optimal program that meets the needs of people taking medicines due to various health problems.

The individual options have the following scope of insurance:

LUX MED Panaceus Prima option covers over 1,000 drugs, the co-payment is: PLN 3 or 5, and the Sum Insured is: PLN 1,000 per year.

LUX MED Panaceus Optima option covers over 5,000 drugs, the co-payment is: PLN 3 or 5, and the Sum Insured is: PLN 2,000 per year.

LUX MED Panaceus Maxima option covers over 8,000 medicines, the copayment is PLN 0, and the Sum Insured is: PLN 5,000 per year.

Health-care services can be carried out in a convenient manner in over 5,500 pharmacies using an Insured Person’s Card.

When purchasing your medicines, please remember to give the pharmacist your Insured Person's Card, together with your prescription. The drugs included in the insurance coverage cost no more than PLN 3 or PLN 5 per pack, depending on the selected insurance option. The remaining part of the medicine price will be paid by LUX MED Insurance as part of the healthcare service.

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