In LUX MED Patient Portal, we implement the blua. strategy. Within its framework, we develop digital products and solutions that empower patients to take better care of their health. These tools are designed to help patients collect and monitor data about their health, and to support doctors in making diagnostic and therapeutic decisions. blua. products aim to improve the healthcare quality and facilitate communication between patients and doctors.


Blua emblematic projects

Profilaktyka bólu pleców.png

Back pain prevention

An application guides you through personalized exercise plans aimed to alleviate and prevent back pain.

Inteligentne podpowiedzi usług.png

Symptom checker

Allows you to check your symptoms and helps you decide which service would be best suited for your needs.

Ankieta stanu zdrowia.png

Health Questionnaire

An online survey sent to you before the visit that ensures the doctor receives all necessary information.

Konsultacje online.png

Online Consultation

A platform that enables you to consult a specialist in a selected field, without the need to go to the facility.

Zapytaj Lekarza.png

Ask Your Doctor

Allows you to ask additional questions to the doctor that you have consulted before.

Profilaktyka bólu pleców.png

Back pain prevention

An application guides you through personalized exercise plans aimed to alleviate and prevent back pain.

Inteligentne podpowiedzi usług.png

Symptom checker

Allows you to check your symptoms and helps you decide which service would be best suited for your needs.

Ankieta stanu zdrowia.png

Health Questionnaire

An online survey sent to you before the visit that ensures the doctor receives all necessary information.

Konsultacje online.png

Online Consultation

A platform that enables you to consult a specialist in a selected field, without the need to go to the facility.

Zapytaj Lekarza.png

Ask Your Doctor

Allows you to ask additional questions to the doctor that you have consulted before.


Blua is future

Mental Health Assistant.png

Health Diaries

Tools aimed to let you monitor your glucose levels, blood pressure and body weight.

Mental Health Assistant.png

Mental Health Assistant

Helps you track and care for your own well-being.

Sleep Quality Assistant.png

Sleep Quality Assistant

Designed to enhance the quality of your sleep and manage sleep-related problems

Mental Health Assistant.png

Health Diaries

Tools aimed to let you monitor your glucose levels, blood pressure and body weight.

Mental Health Assistant.png

Mental Health Assistant

Helps you track and care for your own well-being.

Sleep Quality Assistant.png

Sleep Quality Assistant

Designed to enhance the quality of your sleep and manage sleep-related problems