Packages for adults and children

Subscriptions for children and adults

Discover the medical packages from LUX MED and let us take care of your health. Our packages provide comprehensive care for individuals with easy access to specialist doctors and laboratory tests without unnecessary referrals and queues. You can purchase them for yourself or for others, such as your family. Explore the packages we offer and choose the variant that best suits your needs.

Check available variants

Without extra charges - this subscription option does not require any additional payments for the subscribed services.

With extra charges - in this package option additional payments are charged for certain services, e.g. PLN 49 for a specialist consultation or an ultrasound examination. Extra charges for the services included in a given subscription do not exceed PLN 100. Check what services are subject to additional payments.

Without additional fees

With additional fees

Choose variant

143 pln / month
232 pln / month
398 pln / month
524 pln / month
771 pln / month
Consultations with internist medicine, paediatrics, family doctor
Yes Yes
Yes Yes
Yes Yes
Yes Yes
Yes Yes
Specialist consultations
(adults- 7, children - 5)
(adults- 13, children - 5)
(adults- 20, children - 14)
(adults- 28, children - 20)
(adults- 38, children - 26)
Consultations with mental health and speech therapy specialists
No No
No No
Limit: 3 per year
Limit: 3 per year
Limit: 3 per year
Online consultations (pediatrician, internist, nurse)
Yes Yes
Yes Yes
Yes Yes
Yes Yes
Yes Yes
Consultations with doctors on duty
No No
3 specialists
3 specialists
5 specialists
5 specialists
Outpatient procedures
36 procedures
36 procedures
45 procedures
79 procedures
96 procedures
Laboratory test panel (no referral needed)
Yes Yes
Yes Yes
Yes Yes
Yes Yes
Yes Yes
Laboratory and imaging diagnostics
52 examinations
263 examinations
446 examinations
707 examinations
826 examinations
Pregnancy care
No No
No No
No No
Yes Yes
Yes Yes
Annual preventive check-up
No No
No No
Yes Yes
Level I
Yes Yes
Level II – broader
Yes Yes
Level II – broader
Dental care
No No
Dental care Option I
Dental care Option I
Dental care Option II
Dental care Option III
House calls
No No
No No
Limit: 1 per year
Limit: 1 per year
Limit: 3 per year
Dietitian consultations
No No
No No
Limit 3 per year
Limit 3 per year
Yes Yes
Professor's consultations
No No
No No
No No
No No
Yes Yes
Nursing procedures
Yes Yes
Yes Yes
Yes Yes
Yes Yes
Yes Yes
Show moreShow more
143 pln / month
232 pln / month
398 pln / month
524 pln / month
771 pln / month

Choose variant

96 pln / month 1
145 pln / month
259 pln / month
366 pln / month
Consultations with internist medicine, paediatrics, family doctor
Yes Yes
with co-payment
Yes Yes
with co-payment
Yes Yes
with co-payment
Yes Yes
with co-payment
Specialist consultations
12 with co-payment
(adult - 7, children - 5)
18 with co-payment
(dorośli - 13, dzieci - 5)
34 with co-payment
(adult- 20, children - 14)
48 with co-payment
(adult - 28, children- 20)
Consultations with mental health and speech therapy specialists
No No
No No
Limit 3 per year with co-payment
Limit: 3 per year with co-payment
Online consultations (pediatrician, internist, nurse)
Yes Yes
Yes Yes
Yes Yes
Yes Yes
Consultations with doctors on duty
No No
3 specialists with co-payment
3 specialists with co-payment
5 specialists with co-payment
Outpatient procedures
36 procedures
36 procedures
45 procedures with co-payment
79 procedures with co-payment
Laboratory test panel (no referral needed)
Yes Yes
Yes Yes
Yes Yes
Yes Yes
Laboratory and imaging diagnostics
52 examinations, partly with co-payment
263 badań, częściowo z dopłatą
446 badań, częściowo z dopłatą
707 examinations, partly with co-payment
Pregnancy care
No No
No No
No No
Yes Yes
with co-payment
Annual preventive check-up
No No
No No
Yes Yes
Yes Yes
Dental care
No No
Dental care Option I
Yes Yes
Level I
Dental care Option II
House calls
No No
No No
Dental care Option I
Limit 1 per year
Dietitian consultations
No No
No No
Limit: 1 per year
Limit 3 per year with co-payment
Nursing procedures
Yes Yes
Yes Yes
Limit 3 per year
Yes Yes
Influenza and tetanus vaccinations
No No
No No
Yes Yes
Yes Yes
Show moreShow more
96 pln / month 1
145 pln / month
259 pln / month
366 pln / month
  1. 1Dla tego abonamentu nie jest dostępna składka miesięczna. Jest to cena, która wychodzi za miesiąc przy płatności kwartalnej. Cena przy płatności kwartalnej to 281 zł.

Are you wondering which subscription to choose?

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