If you fill out and send us the form below, our consultant will contact you in order to send you a commercial offer.

The controller of your personal data is LMG Försäkrings AB S.A., with its registered office in Stockholm (102 51), Sweden, Box 27093, acting through the Branch in Poland, with its registered office in Warsaw (02-676) at ul. Postępu 21C (hereinafter referred to as ‘LMG’), which processes your data in order to provide an offer to the company you represent for packages including insurance care. We process data including your name, surname, email address and/or telephone number (depending on the communication channel you have chosen) and the company you represent and the voivodeship in which the entity you represent is located. Providing company data is necessary for us to properly prepare the offer. Contact from us is on a one-off basis; however, you may reserve the right not to be contacted at any time. Your data will be deleted from our database as soon as the process for making a commercial offer has been completed. In all matters related to the processing of your personal data you may contact our Data Protection Officer by writing to daneosobowe@luxmed.pl. Providing data is voluntary but necessary to prepare and present an individual offer. Click [here] to read the full text of the information obligation and your rights.